Super V-Line Solution


5 ampoules × 10 ml per pack


Super V-Line is specially designed for the correction of fat deposits in the face area. The product is a complex of lipolytics based on natural ingredients. It is used both in the case of an excess amount of adipose tissue and age-related changes in the face contour. Thanks to the unique Super V-Line composition, fewer treatments are required to achieve the desired effect.

Strengths of Super V-Line:

  • long-lasting correction effect
  • skin tightening effect
  • promotes the regeneration and renewal of skin cells
  • the result is noticeable within a week after the procedure
  • safe for health as it contains natural ingredients

Super V-Line is used for lipolysis and face contour correction.

It is used to correct:

  • saggy cheeks
  • double chin
  • “Square face”
  • age-related changes in the oval of the face

Composition of the preparation: Water, Aesculus hippocastanum extract, Tyrosine, L-Carnitine, Sodium Chloride, Juglans regia (walnut) seed extract, Thermus thermophilus

Super V-Line

5 ampoules × 10 ml per pack


Manufacturer: Maxcore Globul, South Korea


The drug has contraindications and can only be used by a certified cosmetologist. We are not responsible for the negative consequences of independent use.


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