
SingJoint Injectable Hyaluronic Gel For Joints

Original price was: €140.00.Current price is: €100.77.

For intra-articular injection



SingJoint Medical Sodium HA gel is Macromolecule and has good viscoelasticity. It helps to lubricate, covers the barrier, buffers stress and inhibits the inflammatory response in the articular cavity.
Also it stimulates the patient his own synovial membrane to produce sodium hyaluronate of high molecular weight. Hyaluronic acid gel helps to alleviate arthralgia, increases the range of mobility,
eliminates synovial inflammation and delays the development of the disease.

Use as:
• Viscosupplementation
Derived from:
• Fermentation of bacterial

• Non-surgical
• Non-pharmacological pain-relieving
• Highly purified hyaluronan
• Natural component of synovial fluid

Available 20mg 2ml 30mg 2,5ml 60mg 3ml


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