PRX T33 (5x4ml)


Please note this product must be cooled between 2-8 °! 

We send this product adequately packaged and chilled. 


With PRX-T33 you get thanks to the powerful combination of active ingredients a biorevitalisierendes scrub your facial skin without injections or peeling of the skin are necessary. Whether your facial skin has fine lines, pigment spots or imperfections, PRX-T33  improves the appearance of the skin. Due to the simple application, the wide range of effects of this peeling is convincing . PRX-T33 can be used at any time, does not cause photosensitivity and does not require rehabilitation time. Biovitalization of the facial skin has never been so easy.


  • poor
  • Stretch marks
  • Cleavage
  • face
  • neck


Step 1 : Pre- cleaning with P-Solution Professional Pre-Treatment

Step 2 : Treatment with PRX-T33

Step 3 : washing off with water


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