Fat Dissolving Injections vs Weight Loss Injections

Fat Dissolving Injections: What are they, the benefits, how to get the best results & more.

Every body is beautiful, and at Skn Plus we want you to feel confident in your skin, but sometimes no matter how much you exercise or eat healthily, you find yourself with stubborn pockets of fat that really affect your confidence. Fat dissolving injections have emerged as a solution to this very common problem. This non-invasive procedure has gained huge popularity due to its effectiveness in contouring the body and enhancing natural beauty. In this blog, we will delve into the details of fat dissolving injections, exploring the treatment process, its benefits, and more.Contents

  1. 1. What are fat dissolving injections?
  2. 2. What are the benefits of fat dissolving injections?
  3. 3. What areas can be treated with fat dissolving injections?
  4. 4. What happens during a fat dissolving treatment?
  5. 5. Am I a suitable candidate for fat dissolving injections?
  6. 6. How long does it take to see results from fat dissolving injections?
  7. 7. How much do fat dissolving injections cost?
  8. 8. Are there any side effects?
  9. 9. Fat dissolving injections aftercare
  10. 10. The takeaways

1. What are fat dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections, also known as lipolytic injections or injection lipolysis, involve the use of specialized solutions that target and reduce localized deposits of fat in various parts of the body. These injections typically contain substances like deoxycholic acid, riboflavin, lecithin, and bromelain that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat . When injected into specific areas, these solutions work to break down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body over time. Fat dissolving injections aren’t intended to be a weight loss solution, but instead they can be used to compliment a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The fat dissolve solution is injected into the subcutaneous fatty layer of the skin, this breaks down the fat cells and the body disposes of these through the lymphatic system. Once these fat cells have been disposed of they will not return, provided you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, however if you eat poorly you will gain new fat.

Please Note: Fat dissolving injections are not a weight loss solution – they work in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.

2. What are the benefits of fat dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections have many benefits. These injections are ideal for targeting specific areas such as the chin, jowls, love handles, and thighs, addressing localised fat that is often resistant to diet and exercise. By contouring your body and refining your natural features, fat dissolving injections can significantly boost your confidence, allowing you to embrace your beauty with renewed self-assurance. Other benefits include: 

  • Quick treatment
  • Minimally invasive with little to no downtime
  • Can be used to treat a wide variety of areas
  • Spot reduces stubborn fat that won’t shift with diet and exercise
  • Less invasive than other fat reduction treatments such as liposuction
  • Can help with cellulite
  • Boosts confidence

3. What areas can be treated with fat dissolving injections?

We can treat almost any area with fatty deposits, such as:

  • Double chin
  • Stomach
  • Love hands
  • Upper arms (bingo wings)
  • Back
  • Bra fat
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Knees

4. What happens during a fat dissolving treatment?

Before your appointment you will be asked to complete a medical health check to ensure you are a suitable candidate for fat dissolving injections. Next your practitioner will discuss with you what areas are your main concern, and mark up the injection sights. The practitioner will draw some grids on the area, these will determine the injection points – the bigger the area, the more injections you’ll need. The injections are not very painful, however the fat dissolving solution can cause a slight sting when entering the tissue. This part of the process is fairly quick so any minor discomfort is short lived. After the fat dissolving injections have been administered, the area will be cleaned and depending on which practitioner you visit, the area may be massaged. In total the treatment usually takes 15-30 minutes again depending on the size of the area to be treated.

5. Am I a suitable candidate for fat dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections are a popular choice for individuals seeking non-surgical solutions for localised fat reduction. Generally speaking, as long as you are in good health you should be suitable for the treatment. The ideal candidate should maintain a healthy lifestyle and be close to their ideal weight, but needs a little extra help with those hard to shift areas. Suitable candidates should have realistic expectations about the results. While fat dissolving injections can offer subtle improvements, they might not achieve the same dramatic effects as surgical procedures like liposuction, and multiple sessions may be required.

Unfortunately some individuals are not suitable for this procedure. People with kidney or liver issues, type 1 diabetes, difficulty processing fat, who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and those who have current skin conditions or infections would not be suitable for the treatment. A full medical health check will be performed prior to the treatment to ensure you are suitable.

6. How long does it take to see results from fat dissolving injections?

This varies greatly from person to person. Factors such as product used, amount of fat in the area, your body’s natural reaction to the product, and the aftercare will all have an impact on the results. Typically between 2-6 sessions are required to achieve the desired result.

How long do the results from fat dissolving injections last?

Any fat cells that are destroyed are gone permanently, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle and don’t gain new weight.

7. How much do fat dissolving injections cost?

There are a few factors that will impact how much your treatment costs:

  • Area to be treated – bigger areas require more product and thus are typically more expensive
  • Brand/product used – some fat dissolvers are more expensive than others
  • How many treatments you need – each individual may have a different response to the treatment, some will need more treatments than others
  • How much fat is in the area – if a larger amount of fat is present, it’s likely a higher number of sessions will be needed
  • Location – as with any treatment treatments in certain parts of the UK are priced higher than others

8. Are there any side effects?

Fat dissolving injections have minimal side effects, with few risks and a low rate of complications. As with any injectable treatment you may experience swelling, bruising and redness to the injection site – you can use arnica gel on the area to help this if you wish. You may be able to feel where the product has been injected, but this feeling usually subsides within 24 hours.

Note: Our chosen brand of fat dissolver is Lemon Bottle. This product is far less painful than other brands of dissolver such as Aqaulyx, and most clients report little to no side effects such as swelling or soreness following their treatment.

9. Fat dissolving injections aftercare

Here are a few things to avoid after your skin booster treatment: 

  • Do not touch the area for 6 hours after your treatment
  • No body creams or other similar products on the area for 24 hours
  • Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours, light exercise is fine.
  • Avoid fatty/sugary foods & maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle

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